A spokesperson of a coalition party calls for ethicly differentiated attitude towards the citizens. Please, realize the sad truth finally: nationalism in Latvia is not marginal. Fascist-thinking people are among decision-makers here.
"I’m a supporter of an ethnic, not civic concept of the state. Latvia has been founded as Latvian state, without Latvians there would be no sense in the existence of Latvia. That means that Latvia has to protect every Latvian, even if he is not a citizen of Latvia. Of course, Latvia needs and has to protect loyal non-Latvians as well, who can positively contribute to the development of the state, but in this case we are talking about a person, who very likely has committed a crime.
By the way, Chalovsky has liked the page “Нил, мы с тобой” on Facebook, which means he is a supporter of “Saskaņas centrs” – a force hostile to Latvia. Is protecting a person like this in accordance with the honour and conscience of “nacional” forces?"
Jānis Iesalnieks, a consultant of parliament group of party "Visu Latvijai" (All for Latvia) commenting on the extradition of an alleged hacker Denis Chalovsky (Latvian citizen of a Polish-Russian origin).