False Neutrality: Sweden Helped Hitler and the Forest Brothers Fight the Soviet Union
The last official war between Sweden and Russia ended in 1809 and resulted Finland becoming part of the Russian Empire. However, the Swedes, while maintaining a de jure neutrality, de facto never missed a chance to fight against the Russians. A prime example would be Sweden taking part in World War 2, with the formally neutral Swedes actually supporting Nazi Germany and helping the Forest Brothers in the Baltics fight a guerilla war against the USSR.
“Hitler Realized He Was Not Ready to Invade Britain” - How the DanishNorwegian Operation Influenced the Course of World War II
“Hitler Realized He Was Not Ready to Invade Britain” - How the DanishNorwegian Operation Influenced the Course of World War II
80 years ago, Nazi Germany began the operation to conquer Denmark and Norway. Occupying Denmark and Norway, Germany protected themselves form a possible attack from the North, set up ore transit from Sweden and got a new entry point to Soviet borders. At the same time, the naval part of the operation was not as successful, which accelerated the aggression against the Soviet Union.
Many made pacts with Germany, but the Soviet Union gets blamed for everything: 5 Misconceptions of the Molotov‑Ribbentrop Pact
Many made pacts with Germany, but the Soviet Union gets blamed for everything: 5 Misconceptions of the Molotov‑Ribbentrop Pact
Western propaganda tells of the bloodthirsty USSR making a pact with Hitler. At the same time, they downplay the fact that Great Britain, France and Poland were appeasing Nazi Germany for a long time. We present to you, the main misconceptions of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact
Scared of Hitler. Why the West Turned Down an Alliance with Moscow
Scared of Hitler. Why the West Turned Down an Alliance with Moscow
The West is pushing a myth of the Soviet Union and the Third Reich conspiring to divide up Europe. And, obviously, they downplay the fact that the UK, France and Poland were appeasing Nazi Germany for a long time and turned a blind eye to its aggressive actions.
Pralošė visos partijos: municipalinių rinkimų rezultatai Lietuvoje
Pralošė visos partijos: municipalinių rinkimų rezultatai Lietuvoje
Lietuvoje užsibaigė municipaliniai rinkimai. Balsuodami pagal kandidatų sąrašus, rinkėjai pirmenybę suteikė visuomeniniams komitetams, tuo išreikšdami nepasitikėjimą partine sistema.
Žlugo Lietuvos energetikos politika: SGD terminalas ir naftos perkrovimas pergyvena didelį nuosmukį
Žlugo Lietuvos energetikos politika: SGD terminalas ir naftos perkrovimas pergyvena didelį nuosmukį
Šie metai Lietuvai prasidėjo didžiuliu rodiklių transporto ir energetikos sferoje nuosmukiu. Valstybinė kompanija Klaipėdos Nafta raportuoja, jog suskystintų gamtinių dujų terminalo Klaipėdoje pelnas sumažėjo 16 proc.